Source code for asymmetric_jwt_auth.middleware

from typing import Callable
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from .nonce import get_nonce_backend
from .tokens import UntrustedToken
from .repos import get_user_repository, get_public_key_repositories
from . import get_setting
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class JWTAuthMiddleware: """Django middleware class for authenticating users using JWT Authentication headers""" def __init__(self, get_response: Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse]): self.get_response = get_response self.nonce_backend = get_nonce_backend() self.user_repo = get_user_repository() self.key_repos = get_public_key_repositories() def __call__(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: # Attempt to authorize the request self.authorize_request(request) # Continue with the request return self.get_response(request)
[docs] def authorize_request(self, request: HttpRequest) -> HttpRequest: """ Process a Django request and authenticate users. If a JWT authentication header is detected and it is determined to be valid, the user is set as ``request.user`` and CSRF protection is disabled (``request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True``) on the request. :param request: Django Request instance """ # Check for presence of auth header if "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" not in request.META: return request # Ensure this auth header was meant for us (it has the JWT auth method). try: method, header_data = request.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].split(" ", 1) except ValueError: return request auth_method_setting = get_setting("AUTH_METHOD") if method.upper() != auth_method_setting: return request # Get the (unvalidated!) username that the request is claiming to be untrusted_token = UntrustedToken(header_data) username = untrusted_token.get_claimed_username() if not username: return request # Get the user model user = self.user_repo.get_user(username=username) if not user: return request # Try and validate the token using a key from the key repo verified_token = None for repo in self.key_repos: verified_token = repo.attempt_to_verify_token(user, untrusted_token) if verified_token: break # No keys successfully validated the claim? Abort. if not verified_token: return request # Assign the user to the request logger.debug("Successfully authenticated %s using JWT", user.username) request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True request.user = user return request