
class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.PublicKey(*args, **kwds)[source]

Represents a public key

property allowed_algorithms

Return a list of allowed JWT algorithms for this key, in order of most to least preferred.

property as_jwk

Return the public key in JWK format

property as_pem

Get the public key as a PEM-formatted byte string

property fingerprint

Get a sha256 fingerprint of the key.

classmethod load_openssh(key: bytes)Union[asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPublicKey, asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PublicKey][source]

Load a openssh-format public key

classmethod load_pem(pem: bytes)Union[asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPublicKey, asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PublicKey][source]

Load a PEM-format public key

classmethod load_serialized_public_key(key: bytes)Tuple[Optional[Exception], Optional[Union[asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPublicKey, asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PublicKey]]][source]

Load a PEM or openssh format public key

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPublicKey(key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey)[source]

Represents an RSA public key

property allowed_algorithms

Return a list of allowed JWT algorithms for this key, in order of most to least preferred.

property as_jwk

Return the public key in JWK format

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PublicKey(key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey)[source]

Represents an Ed25519 public key

property allowed_algorithms

Return a list of allowed JWT algorithms for this key, in order of most to least preferred.

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.PrivateKey(*args, **kwds)[source]

Represents a private key

classmethod load_pem(pem: bytes, password: Optional[bytes] = None)Union[asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPrivateKey, asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PrivateKey][source]

Load a PEM-format private key

classmethod load_pem_from_file(filepath: os.PathLike, password: Optional[bytes] = None)Union[asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPrivateKey, asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PrivateKey][source]

Load a PEM-format private key from disk.

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPrivateKey(key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey)[source]

Represents an RSA private key

classmethod generate(size: int = 2048, public_exponent: int = 65537)asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPrivateKey[source]

Generate an RSA private key.


alias of asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.RSAPublicKey

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PrivateKey(key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey)[source]

Represents an Ed25519 private key

classmethod generate()asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PrivateKey[source]

Generate an Ed25519 private key.


alias of asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.Ed25519PublicKey


class asymmetric_jwt_auth.middleware.JWTAuthMiddleware(get_response: Callable[[django.http.request.HttpRequest], django.http.response.HttpResponse])[source]

Django middleware class for authenticating users using JWT Authentication headers

authorize_request(request: django.http.request.HttpRequest)django.http.request.HttpRequest[source]

Process a Django request and authenticate users.

If a JWT authentication header is detected and it is determined to be valid, the user is set as request.user and CSRF protection is disabled (request._dont_enforce_csrf_checks = True) on the request.


request – Django Request instance


class asymmetric_jwt_auth.models.PublicKey(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Store a public key and associate it to a particular user.

Implements the same concept as the OpenSSH ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on a Unix system.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Comment describing the key. Use this to note what system is authenticating with the key, when it was last rotated, etc.


Key text in either PEM or OpenSSH format.


Date and time that key was last used for authenticating a request.

save(*args, **kwargs)None[source]

Save the current instance. Override this in a subclass if you want to control the saving process.

The ‘force_insert’ and ‘force_update’ parameters can be used to insist that the “save” must be an SQL insert or update (or equivalent for non-SQL backends), respectively. Normally, they should not be set.


Foreign key to the Django User model. Related name: public_keys.

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.models.JWKSEndpointTrust(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Associate a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URL with a Django User.

This accomplishes the same purpose of the PublicKey model, in a more automated fashion. Instead of manually assigning a public key to a user, the system will load a list of public keys from this URL.

exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

URL of the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)


Foreign key to the Django User model. Related name: public_keys.


class asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.Token(username: str, timestamp: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Represents a JWT that’s either been constructed by our code or has been verified to be valid.

create_auth_header(private_key: asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.PrivateKey)str[source]

Create an HTTP Authorization header

sign(private_key: asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.PrivateKey)str[source]

Create and return signed authentication JWT

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.UntrustedToken(token: str)[source]

Represents a JWT received from user input (and not yet trusted)

get_claimed_username()Union[None, str][source]

Given a JWT, get the username that it is claiming to be without verifying that the signature is valid.


token – JWT claim



verify(public_key: asymmetric_jwt_auth.keys.PublicKey)Union[None, asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.Token][source]

Verify the validity of the given JWT using the given public key.


class asymmetric_jwt_auth.nonce.base.BaseNonceBackend[source]
class asymmetric_jwt_auth.nonce.django.DjangoCacheNonceBackend[source]

Nonce backend which uses DJango’s cache system.

Simple, but not great. Prone to race conditions.

log_used_nonce(username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str)None[source]

Log a nonce as being used, and therefore henceforth invalid.

validate_nonce(username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str)bool[source]

Confirm that the given nonce hasn’t already been used.

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.nonce.null.NullNonceBackend[source]

Nonce backend which doesn’t actually do anything

log_used_nonce(username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str)None[source]

Log a nonce as being used, and therefore henceforth invalid.

validate_nonce(username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str)bool[source]

Confirm that the given nonce hasn’t already been used.

Model Repositories

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.repos.base.BaseUserRepository[source]
class asymmetric_jwt_auth.repos.base.BasePublicKeyRepository[source]
class asymmetric_jwt_auth.repos.django.DjangoUserRepository[source]
get_user(username: str)Union[None, django.contrib.auth.models.User][source]

Get a Django user by username

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.repos.django.DjangoPublicKeyListRepository[source]
attempt_to_verify_token(user: django.contrib.auth.models.User, untrusted_token: asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.UntrustedToken)Optional[asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.Token][source]

Attempt to verify a JWT for the given user using public keys from the PublicKey model.

class asymmetric_jwt_auth.repos.django.DjangoJWKSRepository[source]
attempt_to_verify_token(user: django.contrib.auth.models.User, untrusted_token: asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.UntrustedToken)Optional[asymmetric_jwt_auth.tokens.Token][source]

Attempt to verify a JWT for the given user using public keys the user’s JWKS endpoint.