Source code for asymmetric_jwt_auth.nonce.django

from django.core.cache import cache
from django.conf import settings
from .. import default_settings
from . import BaseNonceBackend

[docs]class DjangoCacheNonceBackend(BaseNonceBackend): """ Nonce backend which uses DJango's cache system. Simple, but not great. Prone to race conditions. """
[docs] def validate_nonce(self, username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str) -> bool: """ Confirm that the given nonce hasn't already been used. """ key = self._create_nonce_key(username, timestamp) used = cache.get(key, set([])) return nonce not in used
[docs] def log_used_nonce(self, username: str, timestamp: int, nonce: str) -> None: """ Log a nonce as being used, and therefore henceforth invalid. """ key = self._create_nonce_key(username, timestamp) used = cache.get(key, set([])) used.add(nonce) timestamp_tolerance = getattr( settings, "ASYMMETRIC_JWT_AUTH", default_settings )["TIMESTAMP_TOLERANCE"] cache.set(key, used, timestamp_tolerance * 2)
def _create_nonce_key(self, username: str, timestamp: int) -> str: """ Create and return the cache key for storing nonces """ return "%s-nonces-%s-%s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, username, timestamp, )